The below information is current as of 18th March. This post will be updated regularly.
We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation daily and following any changes in advice from the relevant National and Local government departments, World Health Organisation (WHO), the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and travel security services firm, International SOS. We are also working with Orica Group’s dedicated regional safety teams, to ensure that we adhere to Group policies and processes, including specific protocols on COVID-19.
At Minova, the safety of our people and our customers is our top priority. As an international organisation, our job is to make sure that our products and services deployed across the world continue to be delivered and that everyone remains safe and healthy.
To achieve this, we have implemented several measures to ensure our operations, site support services and our manufacturing capability remain functioning to the best of our ability and continue to follow the appropriate updated guidelines on COVID-19.
Manufacturing, services and support staff
Our manufacturing teams are continuing to operate from our facilities around the globe to ensure continued availability of our ground support portfolio.
Minova service technicians are continuing to operate and service our customers from our locations around the world.
We have implemented various preventive protocols, including segregation at work / social distancing measures, increased cleaning and sanitation measures, people and workstation distancing, temperature & symptoms testing and safe private travel to and from the office and home working where required and appropriate.
We have contacted our key suppliers and checked / reviewed arrangements for security of supplier. We are also evaluating different options for our 15 manufacturing facilities around the world to provide support to each other and our customers.
Support staff that are not part of manufacturing operations in a number of locations are working from home, to improve our control measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 and minimise the risk to our customer supply.
Technical Support
Essential maintenance and installation works are still being undertaken through our network of in-country technical services. In most cases, Minova engineers are still available to attend site, where there is an urgent need and the customers operations continue to allow access.
All non-essential scheduled visits have been postponed as we seek to reduce all non-essential domestic and international travel for our staff.
We have heightened the availability of our remote support services to assist all customers including video conferencing and remote teleconference options.
All Minova colleagues that have been deployed overseas for non-essential work have been instructed to return to their home countries using the most direct route possible, avoiding high risk areas.
All our staff returning from international travel are self-isolating for a minimum of 14 days. Self-isolation must occur in accordance with country-specific directives.
All Global Staff
Any person feeling unwell or with any symptoms consistent with coronavirus have been instructed to stay at home, seek medical attention and self-isolate for 14 days.
Any person that has been in contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus must self-isolate for 14 days after the date of last contact with the confirmed case.
We have postponed our participation at conferences and other events until further notice.